Comandantul Corpului Gardienilor Revoluției Islamice din Iran, generalul Hossein Salami, a fost filmat inspectând o instalație subterană de rachete, potrivit unor imagini difuzate vineri de mass-media iraniană, relatează Daily Mail. În clipul video, generalul Salami se adresează trupelor: „În fiecare zi, numărul de sisteme și rachete crește în colțurile îndepărtate ale acestei țări. Poate că […]
The text conveys an error message related to exceeding allowed requests ("Service unavailable due to Too Many Requests").
However, the subsequent context ("Iranul dezvluie oraul subteran n care ine rachete pentru a fi folosite mpotriva Israelului Generalii calc pe steagul american i pe cel israelian") suggests that the underlying topic likely involves:
* Iran: The message mentions "Iranul" (Romanian for "Iran").
* Underground facilities: "oraul subteran" (underground city) indicates the existence of hidden facilities.
* Missile stockpile: "...ine rachete" (stores missiles) implies Iran possesses a substantial arsenal.
* Military aggression: "...pentru a fi folosite mpotriva Israelului" (to be used against Israel) suggests Iran's missiles may be intended for offensive purposes.
* Provocation: "Generalii calc pe steagul american i pe cel israelian" (Generals step on the American and Israeli flags) depicts bold and provocative actions against the US and Israel.
Overall, the text, despite the error message, appears to be about potentially sensitive news regarding Iran's military capabilities and intentions towards Israel.
The text conveys an error message related to exceeding allowed requests ("Service unavailable due to Too Many Requests"). However, the subsequent context ("Iranul dezvluie oraul subteran n care ine rachete pentru a fi folosite mpotriva Israelului Generalii calc pe steagul american i pe cel israelian") suggests that the underlying topic likely involves: * Iran: The message mentions "Iranul" (Romanian for "Iran"). * Underground facilities: "oraul subteran" (underground city) indicates the existence of hidden facilities. * Missile stockpile: "...ine rachete" (stores missiles) implies Iran possesses a substantial arsenal. * Military aggression: "...pentru a fi folosite mpotriva Israelului" (to be used against Israel) suggests Iran's missiles may be intended for offensive purposes. * Provocation: "Generalii calc pe steagul american i pe cel israelian" (Generals step on the American and Israeli flags) depicts bold and provocative actions against the US and Israel. Overall, the text, despite the error message, appears to be about potentially sensitive news regarding Iran's military capabilities and intentions towards Israel.